intention versus outcome

does intent matter in the face of outcome?

if i intend something good to happen, and something terrible happens instead, does it matter that i meant well?

if i intend something terrible to happen but something good happens instead, does it matter i meant harm?

some might opine that it depended on how intense the outcome was, or how intense the intent was, or both. But does it?

if someone's attempt to kill you saved your life inadvertantly, would you suddenly forget they had wanted you dead?

some say the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

the only thing to fear is fear, and everything else.

everywhere i look online someone is pushing something to be afraid of.

now don't get me wrong, there is such thing as a healthy amount of fear. it helps keep (some of) us from falling off ladders or walking into traffic.

but this is fear from all directions, weather, guns, climate, violence, politics, parenting, health.....

has it been like this forever, and it somehow whizzed safely over my head until recently?
or is this something relatively pink and new, but rapidly expanding?

when did the stereotypical person with a poster proclaiming the end is near become the status quo?

we get what we ask for in terms of media and entertainment, i suppose.

The Header to This Web Page is a Lie!

At least for the moment it is. That may, of course, change in the future. The title that is, not the truth of it.

The truth is I have a LOT of opinions. Not just one.

Formal greetings, and welcome to the Shit Show!